Jendela Poestaka
Rayuan Pulau Kelapa
Rayuan Pulau Kelapa
Starting from the arrival of the VOC to the Dutch East Indies in the period 1596-1942, when western artists first set foot in Indonesia, they were very impressed with the natural beauty of Indonesian land. The tropical climate and volcanic mountains inspired them to immortalize the beauty in paintings and use these paintings as promotional material about Indonesia in the West. Indonesian artists were then taught to draw and paint on canvases. This era is what is often referred to as the Mooi Indië era.
As the name implies, Mooi Indië translates to beautiful Indies. Mooi Indië brings influences and teachings regarding methods, stages, and techniques in painting landscape paintings. At the time, the Dutch colonial taste, which gradually emerged and grew, made the aristocrats in Indonesia begin to enjoy paintings of natural landscapes. Art studios that developed, equipped with European teaching staff, slowly introduced the techniques of painting landscape paintings. At the time, these landscape paintings were called Mooi Indie paintings.
The birth of Indonesian artists who were able to master the Mooi Indië painting techniques have proven that Indonesian painters have extraordinary talent. The Mooi Indië teachings have been rooted in the foundation of our artists for decades, until a group of artists emerged who rejected this teaching. The figure of S. Sudjojono as a pioneer of modern Indonesian painting considers these paintings as catering only to foreign tourists who only see the physical beauty of Indonesia and not the real living conditions of the people at the time. He felt that these paintings were an attempt to gloss over the truth of colonization with the promotion of Indonesian land as exotic and unique. This artist group, called Persagi, then formed to fight this teaching. Thus, Indonesian artists started to gain courage, creating more works that showcase their own identity and characteristics. This proves that Indonesian artists have a strong unique, identity.
"Rayuan Pulau Kelapa" is a title that holds respect and praise for Indonesia's landscapes. This illustrates the warm and friendly charm of nature that can bring us immense peace.
In today's context, the Rayuan Pulau Kelapa exhibition is present in the midst of society to color stories of art in Indonesia.
This exhibition was formally opened by Kanjeng Gusti Mangkunegara X, who has a strong apreciation of the history of Indonesian art. In the past, Mangkunegaran Kingdom also presented many important artists with the opportunity to expand their fields with graceful accomodation. This exhibition was curated by Hendra Himawan, who expertly conveyed the message of the exhibition through a combination of languages, a detailed selection of works and an approachable public delivery which helped everyone understand the importance of the origins of a work of art. It is hoped that the Mooi Indie landscape paintings on display can provide insight into the history of Indonesian art and reintroduce European and Indonesian maestro artists who once helped write the history of the formation of the Indonesian nation.
Book condition: New
Dust Jacket condition: No Jacket as issued
Author: Hendra Himawan
Dimensions: 22 x 25 cm
Print length: 87 Pages
Language: English, Indonesian
Publication date: 2022
Publisher: Tumurun Museum, Surakarta